big ben 7116305 640

Capital Cities in Western Europe

dolomiti 4342572 640

Capital Cities in Western Europe

Let's try your knowledge about Capital Cities in Western Europe.

1 / 7

What is the capital city of the Netherlands?

amsterdam 4625104 640

2 / 7

What is the capital city of Belgium?

belgium 4966646 640

3 / 7

What is the capital city of Portugal?

houses 7030773 640

4 / 7

What is the capital city of Italy?

canal 6519196 640

5 / 7

What is the capital city of Spain?

valencia 1049389 640

6 / 7

What is the capital city of the United Kingdom?

big ben 7116305 640

7 / 7

What is the capital city of Germany?

hamburg 3071437 640

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The average score is 61%


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