
Capital Cities in South East Asia

hoi an 8104129 640

Capital Cities in South East Asia

Let's try your knowledge about Capital Cities in South East Asia.

1 / 7

What is the capital city of Vietnam?


2 / 7

What is the capital city of Thailand?

temple 1670926 640

3 / 7

What is the capital city of Indonesia?

students 5831655 640

4 / 7

What is the capital city of Singapore?

architecture 6482060 640

5 / 7

What is the capital city of Malaysia?

kuala lumpur 1283140 640

6 / 7

What is the capital city of Laos?

laos 447 640

7 / 7

What is the capital city of Cambodia?

angkor 809753 640

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The average score is 63%


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