horse drawn carriage 952688 640

Capital Cities in South Asia

takshang 669959 640

Capital Cities in South Asia

Do you know every Capital City in South Asia? Let's Try Here...

1 / 8

What is the capital city of Afghanistan?

afghanistan 79493 640

2 / 8

What is the capital city of Nepal?

horse drawn carriage 952688 640

3 / 8

What is the capital city of Pakistan?

fashion 2621536 640

4 / 8

What is the capital city of Bangladesh?

bangladesh 3543464 640

5 / 8

What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?

sri lanka 1003348 640

6 / 8

What is the capital city of the Maldives?

veligandu island 1044366 640

7 / 8

What is the capital city of India?

taj mahal 3654227 640

8 / 8

What is the capital city of Bhutan?

takshang 669959 640

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The average score is 62%


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