bahamas 783799 640

Capital Cities in South America

peru 4416038 640

Capital Cities in South America

Let's Check If You Know Every Capital City in South America...

1 / 12

What is the capital city of Suriname?

suriname 329496 640

2 / 12

What is the capital city of Peru?

peru 4416038 640

3 / 12

What is the capital city of Brazil?

rio de janeiro 1963744 640

4 / 12

What is the capital city of Guyana?

guyana 103901 640

5 / 12

What is the capital city of Venezuela?

venezuela 991906 640

6 / 12

What is the capital city of Colombia?

colombia 4878720 640

7 / 12

What is the capital city of Ecuador?

atuntaqui 3590113 640

8 / 12

What is the capital city of Chile?

attack 3837858 640

9 / 12

What is the capital city of Paraguay?

ox cart 184621 640

10 / 12

What is the capital city of Argentina?

little path 351167 640

11 / 12

What is the capital city of Uruguay?

uruguay 1674999 640

12 / 12

What is the capital city of Bolivia?

bolivia 2494518 640

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