paddle 948050 640

Capital Cities in Oceania

buses 37 640

Capital Cities in Oceania

Do you know every Capital City in Oceania? Check Here...

1 / 8

What is the capital city of Samoa?

buses 37 640

2 / 8

What is the capital city of Australia?

australia 62823 640

3 / 8

What is the capital city of Fiji?

fiji 2540445 640

4 / 8

What is the capital city of Vanuatu?

vanuatu 80771 640

5 / 8

What is the capital city of Tonga?

clouds 3824570 640

6 / 8

What is the capital city of New Zealand?

lake 2426155 640

7 / 8

What is the capital city of Papua New Guinea?

paddle 948050 640

8 / 8

What is the capital city of the Solomon Islands?

the solomon islands 4573375 640

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