aphamia 1078487 640

Capital Cities in Middle East

cityscape 3566340 640

Capital Cities in Middle East

Do you know every Capital City in Middle East? You can answer following quiz...

1 / 11

What is the capital city of Jordan?

desert 4597336 640

2 / 11

What is the capital city of Iran?

caravansary 4519442 640

3 / 11

What is the capital city of Qatar?

cityscape 3566340 640

4 / 11

What is the capital city of Saudi Arabia?

saudi arabia 95500 640

5 / 11

What is the capital city of Kuwait?

car number 188956 640

6 / 11

What is the capital city of Oman?

muscat 2455049 640

7 / 11

What is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates?

u a e 5453673 640

8 / 11

What is the capital city of Yemen?

beach 547526 640

9 / 11

What is the capital city of Syria?

aphamia 1078487 640

10 / 11

What is the capital city of Lebanon?

landscape 2260421 640

11 / 11

What is the capital city of Bahrain?

bahrain 89828 640

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