desert 4960856 640

Capital Cities in Africa

madagascar 4601287 640

Capital Cities in Africa

Do you know every Capital City in Africa? Let's Try Here...

1 / 20

What is the capital city of Zambia?

zambia 2646990 640

2 / 20

What is the capital city of Libya?

oasis 67549 640

3 / 20

What is the capital city of Kenya?

antelope 4121962 640

4 / 20

What is the capital city of Algeria?

desert 810517 640

5 / 20

What is the capital city of Nigeria?

vehicles 5871002 640

6 / 20

What is the capital city of Angola?

angola 5139571 640

7 / 20

What is the capital city of Namibia?

zebras 5015976 640

8 / 20

What is the capital city of Ghana?

ghana 1927853 640

9 / 20

What is the capital city of Morocco?

alley 354451 640

10 / 20

What is the capital city of Sudan?

desert 4960856 640

11 / 20

What is the capital city of Tunisia?

tunisia 2471197 640

12 / 20

What is the capital city of Egypt?

pyramids 2159286 640

13 / 20

What is the capital city of Seychelles?

seychelles 4686866 640

14 / 20

What is the capital city of Mozambique?

mulher mocambicana 2252464 640

15 / 20

What is the capital city of Zimbabwe?

guzzle 5148610 640

16 / 20

What is the capital city of Madagascar?

madagascar 4601287 640

17 / 20

What is the capital city of Botswana?

botswana 970276 640

18 / 20

What is the capital city of Ethiopia?

ethiopia percussion 1935444 640

19 / 20

What is the capital city of Mauritius?

church 2787485 640

20 / 20

What is the capital city of Senegal?

senegal 7701385 640

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